On Key Performance Indicators

You’ve got a company, or an organization, or even just in everyday life, and you have goals:  you want to grow, you want to learn, you want to educate.  But how do you quantify those goals?  From a… Read More

Base conversion in SQL

Here’s something silly I threw together that no one will probably use, which makes it perfect for posting here. We ran across software that has a table that has an Id that ALSO has a unique char(4) field… Read More

The Wild Blue Yonder

So today is my second day off after quitting my job!  I’m very excited about it… my most recent client was very interesting, and I think we accomplished some really cool things while I was there, but getting it… Read More

Two Years with the Heritage Health Prize

ED: I spoke to a reporter yesterday for a half hour or so, discussing the final stretch of the Heritage Health Prize data mining competition I’ve been a competitor in for the past couple of years. Her article… Read More

Datamining, Privacy, and Ethics

[I’m trying to write shorter blog posts these days — let’s see how that goes] There was a lot of chatter recently around about how Target (the shopping chain) has used data mining to identify pregnant shoppers in… Read More